WhatsApp update: useful improvements

WhatsApp regularly makes improvements. A lot has changed in recent months. One WhatsApp update after another has been rolled out. The messaging app has gotten better. Read on and discover what is now possible.

Edit your messages.

Make a mistake in your message? In the old situation, you deleted your message. But then it seems like you’re hiding something. With the latest WhatsApp update, you can edit the sent message.

You can easily correct a spelling mistake. You can edit a message up to 15 minutes after sending it. The message must also not have been read yet. That’s how you do that:

  1. Press and hold the message with an error in it.
  2. Choose Edit.
  3. Customize your message and send it properly.

GIFs play automatically.

Do you often send and receive GIFs? With the latest WhatsApp update, these play automatically. You no longer have to press the play button first.

This way, the jokes you send and receive will be received even better. Your conversations become more lively.

WhatsApp update useful improvements

More possible with your smartwatch.

The WhatsApp update brings improved support for your smartwatch. It concerns the WearOS smartwatches.

These are, for example, the Samsung Galaxy Watch6 and the Samsung Galaxy Watch5. You can now receive and send messages, voice messages, and phone calls from the smartwatch.

With MultiSIM you leave your phone at home. You keep track of everything with your smartwatch.

HD videos and photos.

The videos and photos look better in the app after the WhatsApp update. The app now supports HD videos and HD photos. In this highest quality, the holiday photos and videos from friends come in even better. You won’t miss any details anymore.

Video messages

WhatsApp has had audio messages for a few years now. When you don’t want to write, record your audio. With the WhatsApp update, video messages have now also been added. That works the same. But instead of sound, you can quickly record a video. 

  1. Tap the microphone icon to the right of your chat window.
  2. That will now be a camera icon.
  3. Hold it down and you record a video.
  4. Displeased? Swipe left to cancel the video.
  5. When you’re done, send the video.

Feel less pressure.

With the latest WhatsApp update, it becomes even easier to speak to everyone with WhatsApp. Do you feel pressure to respond immediately after reading a message?

Then uncheck your WhatsApp blue checks. This means that others will not see that you have read the message.

Future updates for WhatsApp.

A lot will also happen with WhatsApp in the future. This way you will soon be able to use multiple accounts on 1 phone. The messaging app will also have channels.

That replaces the Status. This makes it easier to follow official accounts. Finally, WhatsApp is looking at the possibility of AI in your chat. This will help you give the correct response or suggest stickers.

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My name is Rezoyan. I’m currently focusing on namely: Apple, Smartphones, Tips, Trick niche. So, My main priority is to search for new content and present it in front of you to learn something new.

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