How to experience the Google Pixel 7 in AR

The Google Pixel 7 was launched at the beginning of October. Techlarges is the only telecom provider that offers the device. To celebrate this, Google and Techlarges created a special AR experience that allows you to experience the device in a very special way. Simply, from your living room. We spoke to the entrepreneurs who developed this technical tour de force for us. Read on quickly!

The unique Google AR experience lets you experience the Google Pixel 7 and Google Pixel 7 Pro in a completely different way.

You are taken into a digital world where you can interactively view the impressive features of the devices.

All this was developed by Springbok and Wij Doen Dingen. We spoke to Klaas Nagel from the latter about the idea behind the experience.

Business Blog: It is probably no coincidence that the experience coincides with the launch of Google Pixel. What is the idea behind that?

Klaas: “Google & Techlarges working together: that must guarantee a technological tour de force. This gave rise to the idea of ​​doing something innovative and unique with the application of new technologies to highlight both the collaboration and the product.

With this, we have ensured that people can view and experience this progressive flagship device from Google in their living room.”

Why this AR experience?

“Both Google and Techlarges profile themselves with this AR experience as frontrunners in the field of web-based possibilities in combination with augmented reality.

Moreover, we wanted to take visitors on an interactive journey through the world of the Pixel. With the aim of allowing users’ interest to flourish, which is also the starting point of the entire Pixel campaign.

The Google Pixel is a beautiful and unique device that, with its specifications, is extremely suitable to draw attention to with an AR experience.”

How does it work?

“The showpiece on a technical level is that no app needs to be downloaded to apply augmented reality.

This has exponentially lowered the threshold for involving people in the experience! Once the phone has automatically detected the ground surface, the user can place an animated flower-strewn 3D portal wherever they are at the touch of a button.

This portal appears integrated into the reality around you, very special! The user is currently enticed and encouraged to physically step through this portal.

When the user does this, the user’s environment transforms into a full 360-degree virtual reality experience.

By moving the phone around, the user can view and enjoy the experience the way wants. At the end of the experience, there is actually a box in your living room or office that the user can unbox themselves

 As a grand finale, the Google Pixel 7 magically floats out of the box and you can walk all the way around it and study the phone intently. From here you can directly purchase the telephone for business or private use via a link!”

What is the highlight of the AR experience?

 “Difficult to say. There are so many different elements – from technical to aesthetic – that in themselves are small moments of happiness.

Perhaps the highlight is that the total experience in all its different aspects constantly represents and strengthens the concept and the story.”

Why should everyone have this experience?

“Nothing is mandatory, of course, but if you are at all interested in technology, film, design, experience or innovation then you don’t want to miss this.”

Where is the best place to do the experience?

“For the maximum experience, it is fun to walk around the augmented reality elements. It is nice if you had some space for this.

In principle, the experience is tailored in such a way that it can be experienced anywhere, from a small apartment to the middle of the park.”

What do consumers/entrepreneurs benefit from it?

“Consumers are tempted to explore a product in a new way. They are bombarded all day long with linear means of communication on television, radio, and social media that only send, send, send.

Techlarges and Google have taken a smart look at this, they don’t ask anything from the consumer, they give the consumer something.

They offer an experience and a feeling and if that experience lasts that feeling, then they have successfully linked a positive emotion to their product!

This also immediately tackles the question ‘What is in it for entrepreneurs?’; Besides the fact that a Google Pixel 7 is a great product for business use, this mindset as a product approach can be called innovative that will especially appeal to innovative entrepreneurs.” 

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My name is Rezoyan. I’m currently focusing on namely: Apple, Smartphones, Tips, Trick niche. So, My main priority is to search for new content and present it in front of you to learn something new.

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